viernes, octubre 22, 2004

Wondering.. .

En Safari esta porqueria de página se ve totalmente blanca. Qué hago? Nada porque todo el mundo usa Explorer (menos yo)??

1 comentario:

MiguEl_Conde dijo...

Hi again. I must say a couple of things: first, thank you for signing my guestbook and for placing a link to my blog on your own blog, I'm flatterd... Second, I must say, I'm a little both disapointed and excited about all the mystery surrounding you. I just want to be friends with you, ok? I'm particularly positive that you won't regret being my friend. So, please send me a mail to my hotmail adress, and let's see what happens. All right? here it is:

P.S. This time I'll be waiting for you, and you don't have anything to be afraid of. :P